Making a Complaint
We endeavour to provide you with the best advice and service at all times. If you are not satisfied with our services, then we encourage you to contact us. Please call us, send us an email or put your complaint in writing to our office. You can direct your complaint to your financial adviser or to one of our directors. We aim to resolve complaints immediately. Where this is not possible, we will acknowledge the receipt of your complaint within 48 hours. We will then explain our process to resolve your complaint and tell you who will handle your complaint. If you are not satisfied with our response after 30 days, you can lodge your complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority. You can contact AFCA on 1800 931 678 or via their website AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution which is free to consumers.
Priority Wealth Web Site Terms of Use
The website is owned by Padash Pty Ltd atf PDS Trust trading as Priority Wealth, an authorised representative of the Priority Wealth Advisers Pty Ltd (AFSL 508998), registered in the State of Western Australia, Australia.
Your use of this website signifies your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of use.
The general advice and information provided on this website is given in good faith and has been derived from sources believed to be accurate. However the information may not be complete or accurate for your individual situation. We make no representation or warranty of any kind as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. It is general information only and should not be considered as a comprehensive statement of advice and is not an alternative for personal financial advice.
Priority Wealth does not guarantee the security of this website, nor give any warranty of reliability or accuracy or any responsibility arising in any other way including by reason of negligence for, errors in, or omissions from, the information on this website and does not accept any liability for any loss or damage, however caused, as a result of any person relying on any information on the website or being unable to access this website. This disclaimer is subject to any applicable contrary provisions of relevant Australian legislation.
Should you leave this site via a link contained within this website, you will be viewing content that is not provided by Priority Wealth. When viewing this content, particularly content in relation to the issue or sale of a financial product:
- you do so at your own risk. The content to which you link is not produced or in any way authorised by Priority Wealth. Priority Wealth makes no guarantees or representations as to, and shall have no liability for, any electronic content delivered by any third party;
- links to other websites are provided for convenience only and do not represent any endorsement by us of the products or services offered by the website owner;
- you should read the Privacy and Disclaimer statements belonging to the relevant website to determine the conditions of use of that site;
- you should endeavour to obtain the Product Disclosure Statement for the relevant product from the issuer or seller of the product as identified on the website to which you link;
- you should consider the Product Disclosure Statement for the relevant product in deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, the product.
From time to time these Terms of Use may be altered. Priority Wealth reserves the right to alter any aspect of this website, including Disclaimers and Terms of Use at it's discretion. There is a version control on this page which will enable you to know whether this policy has been changed.
Website Terms of use Ver. 1.0 Updated 6.02.2010